Tuesday, June 01, 2004

How It's Supposed to Work

It happened two weeks ago. The voting machines messed up. This county uses optical scanners. Election officials counted by hand. The election was certified in two days.

The South Missourian News- May 27, 2004 - No one has accepted responsibility for a malfunction in a ballot scanner that forced Fulton County election officials to count ballots by hand for the primary election May 18.

But despite the problem, the final vote tallies were certified by the secretary of state’s office May 20...

And How It's Not

I bet you can name the state in one guess! Yep!! You got it!!!
Law.com - May 27, 2004 - ...The latest memo, dated Oct. 10, 2003, and addressed to Kaplan, said a review of the Oct. 7, 2003, mayoral and City Council primary election in Homestead, Fla., found that the iVotronic system's audit log failed to account for 162 ballots cast

Previously, opponents of a paper backup system -- including Gov. Jeb Bush and Hood -- have argued that a paper trail is unnecessary because of the presence of the audit logs...